quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013

Duas opiniões sobre NOTHING TO HIDE

Com a devida vénia, se transcrevem duas opiniões expressas a propósito do espectáculo NOTHING TO HIDE.

"We have all become jaded disbelievers. To see Nothing to Hide is to be reminded of one of the greatest joys in life: that it is still possible to be amazed. To witness with your very own eyes feats which you know are patently, infuriatingly impossible. This show is a sweet, funny, artful celebration of the craft. I've seen it multiple times. You really should, too." -JJ Abrams

"Wonder and curiosity are two of the most inspiring and noble emotions of the human experience. Nothing To Hide deeply taps into these, allowing us to truly resonate with what it is to be human. Joyfully so!" - Rick Rubin 

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