segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

NOTHING TO HIDE - Mais uma apreciação

No seu blogue, Abel Horwitz faz uma apreciação ao espectáculo NOTHING TO HIDE. Seguidamente transcrevo, com a devida vénia, tal apreciação.

There are simply not enough words to express how insanely good Nothing To Hide is.
A magic show that defies reality. Where audience participation is such a part of the performance that I’m convinced I was the only paying guest. That the rest of the audience were in on the tricks the whole time.
Derek DelGaudio and Helder Guimarães are the next big thing in magic.
I stayed after to get a photo with them, and watched as an agent from CAA handed them his card and said, “Call me. Seriously. We’re going to take this to the next level.”
The two young magician’s smiled and nodded. I’m sure it wasn’t the first time an agent has handed them their card. Their show keeps extending its run.
I loved the show for the same reason I love haunted houses, as well as good theater and film: your thoughts disappear and all of a sudden nothing else in the world matters. 
I bought a ticket to see the show again on Tuesday. If the exact same audience arrives and they react to the show in the exact same way as they did tonight…I’ll know it was all done for my amusement.
But somehow I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen.

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